Be Your Own Guide

Inci Jones Artist Black and white photo entitled Be Your Own Guide Be Your Own Guide | B&W photograph | Inci Jones Artist

Be Your Own Guide


Be Your Own Guide: Exploring has always been a part of my life. As a child, I remember packing my suitcase, being ready to go, when there were no travel plans in sight. I’m sure my parents thought it was a little odd. But they understood that I was always ready for an adventure. And hopefully, our travel plans involved flying on an airplane. Even at a young age I relished the experience of seeing new people and locations, they inspired and energized me in so many ways.
When photographing there are energies certain buildings or locations emanate. You can just feel them as you walk up to them. Some are slow to impart their character to you. There are others that are bold and announce themselves right away. “I am full of history and want to tell you about myself.”
The location in this photo held an energy of mystery and intrigue that I wanted the viewer to experience immediately.
Is it intriguing? Ominous or just a playful sort of naughtiness?
Only you can decipher.